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  Grain Policy  02/07/20 7:19:04 AM

Grain Policy
Spot Bushels
HLBE accepts spot bushels as long as we are posting a cash bid for the current month.
Spot bushels will automatically be priced at the end of the day. 
All overrun is Automatically priced at the end of day. 

Cash Contracts
Forward sell the contract bid in the future months.
Quick, simple, easy to record. 

Futures Only Contract 
Satisfied with the current futures price? Use this contract to lock in the board price while waiting to set the basis at a later date.
We offer futures only contracts (HTA's) at no upfront fee to you.
Rolling is allowed at a fee of 2 cents per roll.
You cannot roll through a crop year.
Once basis is set no rolling is allowed.
Sold in 5.000 bushel increments. 

Basis Contract
Satisfied with the current basis? Use this contract to lock in the current basis while waiting to set the futures price at a later date. Leaves the ability open to participate in a potential futures board rally. Futures must be set prior to or on first notice day of the underlining futures month.
Neither futures or basis can be rolled.
No cash advance.
Sold in 5,000 bushel increments. 

JSA Select Pricing
In this program, the professionals at John Stewart & Associates are tasked with the responsibility of setting the futures price for a producer's forward cash contract. This converts to a futures only contract at the end of the pricing period. The producer is responsible for setting the basis. 
Sold in 5,000 bushel increments. Four programs - Fall, Winter, & Summer program along with a 2nd year fall. 
Rolling is allowed at a fee of 2 cents per roll. 
You cannot roll through a crop year. 
Provides a diversified marketing option. 

Contact Paul Jans or Mike Irlbeck with any questions.
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